Thursday, July 3, 2008


Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope implies a certain amount of despair, wanting, wishing, suffering or perseverance — i.e., believing that a better or positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary.

Today, I believe all of us need to have a positive outlook in life. The term “hope” is also associated with the word “positive thinking”. It is the “anchor of the soul”. Hope is one of the three theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity) and carries a connotation of being aware of the spritual truth. It is believing that Gods divine promised blessings are assured.

Hope encourages us to try new possibilities. As I am reflecting with this word, I realized that the sun rises on each new day bringing new options and greater opportunities to spread my wings and fly. I know sometimes, it is too difficult to hope for better things to happen; but nothing is too impossible with faith and patience,

In our modern times, it is so hard to maintain a positive outlook. Especially now that violence is enormously rampant, We are most of the times downed with life’s difficulties when even ‘hoping’ is greatly impossible. Our ability to ‘hope’ is very much impaired and we go down into despair instead. In times like these, all we need to do is to trust God and never let go whatever happens. Just like what God does, He never let go and He never gave up on us even when we have greatly sinned against Him. He always provide comfort and love whenever needed. Even when we don’t ask for it, God is so loving that He patiently waits for us to seek for Him. God is always there for us and I believe Hoping is not too impossible with His intervention.

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22


Vlado&Toni said...

hi jen, is this a new blog? like the concept, keep up the good work. nice idea, it is very inspiring.

A Wonderful Life said...

thanks toni! yehey...u have found me here!!! mwaaaahhhh!!!!!